
Nuxt is an open source framework built on Vue.js which makes web development simple and powerful.

Nuxt GraphQL Authentication With Strapi

GraphQL has changed the way we think about API endpoints and is quickly becoming an important layer in the development stack for contemporary web apps. If you are using GraphQL in your Nuxt.js project there will likely come a time when you will need to authenticate a user to protect content in your GraphQL queries. We walk through using GraphQL to authenticate a user in a Nuxt app with Strapi as our authentication provider.

How to Use Nuxt AMP Module to Create Accelerated Mobile Pages

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) are a syntax format for web pages to create fast, performant websites that are optimized for mobile users. AMP pages are similar to static site generated pages such as those generated by Gatsby.js or Nuxt.js in that they are optimized for performance, but they have very apparent differences. The biggest difference […]

Nuxt.js Mailchimp Integration Add Contact to List

Nuxt.js is one of the most popular frameworks built on top of Vue.js. Mailchimp is a popular digital marketing platform, allowing you to manage marketing lists for outbound marketing to your followers. Integrating the two can be a powerful combination to your digital strategy. We’ll learn how to integrate a Mailchimp email signup form in Nuxt.js using Mailchimp’s API.

Nuxt Authentication Auth0 Provider Management API

In this tutorial we are going to discuss how to use Auth0 identity provider service as a Nuxt authentication provider and extend the auth0 library to use the Management API to get roles and permissions for a user. Nuxt provides an auth module out of the box which provides some basic auth services for us. […]

Using nuxtServerInit in Vuex to Fetch Component Data

If you are using Vuex as a state management library for you Nuxt.js application you have access to the nuxtServerInit action which is called in the root (index.js) file of your vuex store located in ./store/index.js. The nuxtServerInit action is called in universal mode on the sever for every server request (including the initial request) […]

Mounting Docker Volume On Nuxt Generate Directory

If you followed along with the tutorial from last week on Mutli Stage Docker Builds for Nuxt Generate we walked through installing a basic Nuxt.js project, and setting up a Dockerfile which could be used to build an image that would run the nuxt generate command for our project, copy the /dist files over to […]

Docker Multi Stage Build for Nuxt Generate

Nuxt.js is our go to platform for front-end development, single page apps and universal apps – offering server side rendering (SSR) and progressive web app (PWA) integration. The node package also comes with a few commands that help with the development, build and deploy process – depending on what “mode” you want to deploy in. […]